VIIT Science

VIIT Science was Founded in 2021 by Joel Oliver and Dan O'Connor. Joel has a background in coaching, health, fitness and wellness and Dan comes from a background in wellness supplements. Dan and Joel began looking into the science of vitamin absorption and came across numerous studies that concluded that sublingual liquid vitamins had superior absorption, faster delivery and were more bioavailable than tablets or capsules. We saw a gap in the market with what was being offered and what the science reflected, with the majority of vitamin products being sold in tablet form. Numerous studies outline that sublingual liquid vitamins have up to a 97% absorption rate, compared to a 25% absorption rate for tablet or capsule vitamins.

We continued our research and found a study that detailed that up to 40% of people said they struggle with swallowing tablets. We saw an opportunity to not only offer a more effective product but an easier way to take your vitamins. We looked into the spray vitamin market and found that there were only a handful of brands that were hitting the recommended daily intake levels of vitamins and none of them had a desirable taste. This is where our mission began and we believe we have successfully created a range of vitamin spray supplements, with natural tasty fruit flavours that contain effective micronutrient levels.


    EFFECTIVENESS - Highest percentage of vitamin absorption, peace of mind that you're meeting your micro nutrient goals and not wasting your time or money.
    EFFICIENCY - Rapid absorption, on the go vitamins, anywhere, anytime.

    EASE - No force swallowing or choking on dry lodged tablets. No powders, mixing or spilling.

    EXTREMELY TASTY - Natural fruit flavours that the whole family enjoys. No fillers, binders or nasties.


    The average absorption rate for tablet vitamins sits at 25%. Liquid vitamins provide a 98% absorption rate. Yes that's right up to 400% more than tablets! VIIT liquid vitamins get to work as soon as they are sprayed under the tongue and enter your bloodstream. With an easy to use, on the go sublingual spray, the vitamins are being absorbed from the very first spray under the tongue.


    Gone are the days of having to worry about force swallowing tablets and capsules that don't properly break down; leading to lower absorption and bioavailability. On top of this the film coating sits in your stomach taking months to properly break down. Vitamin capsules and tablets have a 20 minute window to be absorbed, if the film coating does not properly dissolve or break down in this time the vitamins end up passing through the intestines and very little are actually absorbed.

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